About Us


Gulf Land Fire Safety Service Inc

We are a small, family-owned business that has been servicing the Lafayette, LA area for over thirty years. Our employees are state licensed for fire extinguisher inspection & DOT certified for hydrostatictesting. You can always be sure you are getting quality & expert service any time you call. We are here to make sure you are safe and prepared, and that has been our goal since 1978.

Did you know...

In 2015, there were 1.34 million fires reported in the United States. That meant a fire department responded to a call once every 23 seconds, on average. (Harrington Group)

Fire extinguishers can effectively put out 80% of all fires. When a fire extinguisher is used on a fire in the United Stated, 75% of the time, the fire department is not required to attend the incident. (EnGauge inc.)

In 60% of all fire incidents that occur, the fire department is never notified if a fire extinguisher is present and accessible. (EnGuage inc.)

147,000 fires within commercial structures are handled with the use of a fire extinguisher annuallywithout the fire department being notified. (EnGauge)

More than half of all residential building fires, over 380,000 in the U.S., are attributed to cooking. About 11% are attributed to heating, while another 6.4% are attributed to an electrical device malfunctioning.(United States Fire Administration)

With statics like this, it is easy to see how a well placed & maintained fire extinguisher can provide safety & security. If a fire breaks out, seconds count! With our years of experience, you can rest assured that you will not become a static.

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